Welcome to MeaningfulMaking.org

A collection of free- and low-cost tools for online accessibility, with emphasis on step-scanning and eyegaze access.

ScanTown: A programmable web-launcher for step-scan users.

ScanTown is a tool for creating and using switch-accessible bookmarks (launch pages) with visual and auditory cues for learners with complex needs.

Tools Under Construction

  • Audio-only scan activities for children with low vision or blindness.
  • Browser Toolbar for step-scanning

Want to Contribute?

Funds to support our volunteer programmers are always appreciated: Donate Here

If you'd like to contribute technical, programming, or design skills, contact us at gene@meaningfulmaking.org. We have needs are in the following areas:

  • Building switch and eye-gaze accessible games and activities for the web browser
  • Performing testing and quality assurance
  • Performing bug-fixes and enhancements (javascript experience required)
  • Designing a nicer website for meaningfulmaking.org